Monday, 26 May 2008


what a lovely bamk holiday we are graced with, bet the gloscter cheese roll was pretty nuts, crazy gloster locals legging it down a hill, when we went a couple of years ago you literally had to hang on to roots from trees so that you wouldnt fall down the hill. and when i stood at the top behind three people i still couldnt see the bottom of the hill its that steep, i got that feeling in my tummy like i was stood on the edge of a cliff. nuts.

just popped to the jumps and was so wet.

only there for an hour and couldnt really hack the grotty ness, so cleared a puddle to fill up the bucket, and decided to head back and hang out with the rabbit.

go watch peep show on google video, so so funny. when it rains things collapse, it makes the mud super heavy, might start covering things up through out rainy days. we built this lip up yesterday so will be so much better when its hard.

sweet and thats that, everything is getting dialed and rad, go tem go. peace and love x
and congradulations to chaz who has just passed his haircutting course, thats lovely that is.

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